
"Faktor.mk" started as an online medium for economics, finance and business in 2012. It was announced as a medium, which should fill the void in the media space with information from these areas.
It produces news, analyzes and interviews and is one of the few portals that regularly monitors the changes on the Macedonian stock market and publishes data on the insurance and banking businesses.
Over the years, it has been profiled in a portal that publishes daily information about Macedonian politics, the judiciary and education. It also publishes columns that are written by academic professors and analysts.
Faktor is also the pivot of the media group consisting of a total of 4 portals. In addition to Faktor, which is the most followed of them, the Faktor Portal company is also the publisher of the “Zenski magazin” (Women's magazine), "Mashki magazin" (Men’s magazine) and the "Hashtag" websites.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free content
Media Companies / Groups
Faktor Portal
Ownership Structure
The "Faktor.mk" online medium is wholly owned by businessman Aleksandar Manev. In 2020, its co-founder, Krste Shajnoski, left its ownership structure after he was elected president of the Council of Experts of the Insurance Supervision Agency.
The publishing company of "Faktor" also owns three other online media "Zenski Magazin" (Women's magazine), "Mashki Magazin" (Men's Magazine) and "Hashtag".
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Is a Macedonian businessman. He was the director of an investment fund, and the president of a group of companies for managing investment funds. He has been the general director of the insurance company "Croatia Insurance" in North Macedonia for the last three years. He is also a member of the currently inactive civil society organization "Innovation Laboratory", which was founded to stimulate innovation, as well as the Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce.
Is a university professor at the "University of Stip", and as a journalist, he previously worked in several media. He was also a lecturer at the "School of Public Relations", as well as a consultant to insurance companies.
At the proposal of the government, in 2019 he was elected as the president of the Council of Experts of the Insurance Supervision Agency. Because of this new position, one year later, in October 2020, Shajnoski left the ownership structure of the media, leaving Manev to become the 100% owner of the online medium.
Are the wives of above-mentioned men and are also involved in the media business as owners of the company "Faktor Media Group DOO", established in 2019, which is located at the same address as the company that publishes the "Faktor" online medium.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Is a manager for corporate communications and marketing at the insurance company "Croatia Insurance". She is the director of "Faktor Media Group DOO".
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Is a long-time journalist and editor who mainly covers economic topics. She has worked in several media and, among others, was the editor-in-chief of the now-defunct newspaper "Utrinski Vesnik", and a journalist in the national television "Telma".
Address: Blvd. Metropolit Teodosij Gologanov no. 49/2-2, 1000 Skopje
е-mail: contact@faktor.mk
phone: +389 70241124
website: faktor.mk
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
354.096 $ / 20.75 Mln. MKD
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
64.676 $ / 3.79 Mln. MKD
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing data
Market Share
Missing data
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure and the financial reports are based on data recived from Central registry of the Republic of North Macedonia. The documents were received on 25.08.2023 based on a government decision from 2017 for free access for investigative journalists. The financial information is for 2022. For the calculation of the amounts in US dollars, the average exchange rate for 2022 from the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia was used.