Taxhudin Shabani

Taxhudin Shabani is the 100% owner of two television stations, TV "Shenja", which broadcasts programs in Albanian, Turkish and Macedonian languages, and the regional TV "Era", which broadcasts programs in Albanian and Turkish languages.
Shabani is also listed as the co-founder of the "Center for Islamic Civilization Foundation", which advocates for the promotion of Islamic culture in the country. He is active in the non-governmental organization "Vizioni M", through which he was present at a meeting in Turkey with the vice-president of the Justice and Development Party (APK), whose president is Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "Vizoni M" is located at the same address as the Culture and Education Foundation "Kult Vizioni". "Vizioni M", on the other hand, publishes the monthly print publication in the Albanian language "Shenja".
Television Broadcasting
Vizioni M (Monthly magazine Shenja)
Culture and Education
Kult Vizioni Foundation
Vizioni M
Foundation Centre for Islamic Civilisation
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure and the financial reports are based on data recived from Central registry of the Republic of North Macedonia. The documents were received on 17.07.2023 based on a government decision from 2017 for free access for investigative journalists. The financial information is for 2022. For the calculation of the amounts in US dollars, the average exchange rate for 2022 from the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia was used.